Fraxel Las Vegas

Fraxel Las Vegas, NV: The Latest Technology for Skin Resurfacing

The Fraxel Dual Laser is a unique laser skin resurfacing treatment that can improve the laxity and texture of your skin. Our experienced staff performs procedures, and laser skin resurfacing with Fraxel dual is a popular service here at Chic la Vied Med Spa in Las Vegas, NV. Our laser skin resurfacing Las Vegas treatments use the latest technology to remove layers of the damaged dermis, revealing healthy, new skin beneath. This procedure can be used on the face, body, and chest to remove sunspots.

The results are a youthful appearance, minimized wrinkles, and improved collagen production. If you have any questions about our Fraxel Dual skin resurfacing procedures, please don’t hesitate to ask our knowledgeable staff or plastic surgery surgeons during your consultation.

Fraxel Dual Laser Las Vegas

What is Fraxel DUAL Laser in Las Vegas

The Fraxel Dual Laser Resurfacing Treatment is two lasers in one: the 1927nm wavelength allows us to treat superficially (improving pigmentation). While the other, the 1550nm wavelength, targets skin texture (improving deep lines and acne scars). The components can be used together or separately, depending on your needs.

1927nm for Pigment

Traditionally, one of the hardest things to treat, but the most common complaint, is the pigmentation—sun spots, freckles, or melasma. We are excited to offer this pigment buster with its revolutionary 1927nm Thulium fiber component. It also helps fine lines, texture, pores, and even pre-cancerous skin cells. We can treat multiple sites off the face, including the neck, chest, hands, and arms.

1550nm for Resurfacing

The other part of the Fraxel scar removal in Las Vegas is the 1550nm erbium non-ablative fractional resurfacing component. This treats deep wrinkles, acne scars, surgical scars, texture, and tone. The Fraxel dual results are progressive, with optimal improvement usually visible in 2-3 months. Skin continues to improve as new collagen and elastin production replace damaged tissue.

Fraxel in Las Vegas

Fraxel Recovery Time

Downtime: 4-5 days of downtime (mild swelling, redness, and/or peeling)
Maintenance: For pigment: 1-3 treatments are recommended. For resurfacing: 3-5 treatments are recommended.

What FDA clearances has Fraxel treatment received?

Wrinkles around the eyes (periorbital wrinkles), acne scars, surgical scars, age spots, sun spots (pigmented lesions), Actinic Keratoses (pre-cancerous lesions), and skin resurfacing.

What are the benefits of Fraxel in Las Vegas?

Smoother, fresher, younger-looking skin, improved tone and texture erasing of unwanted brown spots, reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, and improved appearance of acne and surgical scars.

Fraxel Vegas Nevada

How does fractional (Fraxel) resurfacing work?

The Las Vegas Fraxel laser creates tiny “microthermal” zones (think pixels) deep into the skin, which the skin repairs by pushing out the old sun-damaged skin (the tiny pixels) and replacing it with new skin. Each treatment replaces about 15-20% of the sun-damaged, scarred, or wrinkled skin. It triggers the body’s natural healing process accelerating the production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells. 1,000-2,000 microthermal zones are created, each centimeter squared.

Can I do the Fraxel with other cosmetic treatments?

Yes. With RestylaneJuvederm, and other temporary or semi-permanent fillers, wait one week after having Fraxel done. For Sculptra, it is best to have the Fraxel treatments first, or you will need to wait three months after your last Sculptra injection to begin Fraxel treatment. With Thermage, wait one week before or after a Las Vegas Fraxel dual laser treatment.

How long does Fraxel Last?

That depends on how well you protect your skin from the sun and your genetic aging process. If you apply sunscreen and wear sun-protective clothing, your skin will look good longer than if you are tanning, including tanning booths, or spend a lot of time outdoors. If you are careful with your skin, your skin may continue to look good with annual maintenance treatments.

How long does the Fraxel take to work?  When will I see the results?

Many people notice results within a week after their first treatment. Their skin feels smoother, looks less blotchy, and has a glow. The results depend on the issue that you want to be treated. If you are doing a series, you may need to wait for the entire length, which can be 5-6 months, to see the complete and best results. Usually, collagen will continue to develop up to 3-6 months after your last treatment.

Fraxel Vegas NV

How is Fraxel performed?

You need to arrive about 1-1 ½ hours before your treatment. You or a technician will cleanse the treatment area and then apply a numbing cream to the area to be treated. Then you just relax, read, or listen to music while the numbing cream takes effect.

After you numb for about an hour, the numbing cream will be removed. You’ll be taken to the laser room, made comfortable, and a thin gel layer will be applied to help the laser rollers slide evenly over the face.

The treatment takes about an hour for a full face and feels a little like a “pins and needles” sensation. The discomfort ranges from mild to moderate. Plan on being in the office for 2 ½ hours total. Most people drive to and from their own Fraxel appointments.

Is there anything I should do before I have Fraxel?

Here are examples of instructions you may see from your doctor.

  • Stop the use of Accutane 6-12 months before any treatments.

1-2 Week Before Treatment:

  • Buy several bags of ice packs/frozen peas.
  • Buy Cetaphil or another gentle cleanser.
  • Stop the use of Asprin, Advil, and Aleve if possible. Tylenol is ok.
  • Stop the use of all Retinols/Retin-A.
  • Renova, Tazorac, “anti-aging” products.
  • Stop the use of all glycolic acid treatments.
  • Avoid sun exposure two weeks before your treatment.
  • Stop minocycline, doxycycline, and tetracycline.
  • You need to stop waxing.
  • Stop abrasive scrubs and microdermabrasion treatments.
  • Call your doctor if you have a history of cold sores- you may need a prescription for Valtrex or Famvir to begin the day before.

Day of Treatment:

  • VERY IMPORTANT – BE ON TIME – You will need full time for numbing and photos
  • Eat a meal 1-2 hours before your treatment – this prevents feeling jittery with the numbing cream
  • No caffeine for 4 hours before your treatment
  • Wear comfortable/ washable sweats or clothes
  • Arrive with no make-up or eye contacts
  • Bring a wide-brimmed hat to your appointment to wear after your treatment.
  • Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • If so, you are not a candidate at this time
  • Tendency to hyperpigment?
  • Talk to your doctor about starting a bleaching regimen four weeks before your treatment series

What will I look like right after the treatment and what is the healing time?

During the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel as though it is sunburned. Ice packs or frozen peas are used 5-10 minutes per hour for the first 5-6 hours after the treatment.

Your skin will look red immediately after the treatment and fade over 1-3 days. Usually, you can return to normal activities, including work, with make-up, within 1-3 days (your doctor will estimate for you). Occasionally, the redness may take longer to resolve, and make-up can be worn to reduce the red. Rarely, bruising may develop, which can take up to two weeks to resolve. Allow 2-3 weeks for weddings, reunions, family pictures, etc., just to be safe.

Within a few days after each treatment, a “bronzed” look to the skin is common, lasting 1-2 weeks. Your skin may flake and exfoliate a little, and using the best moisturizer after Fraxel will help reduce the appearance of dry flakes. Remember, it will take several treatments to obtain optimal results.

Fraxel Dual Laser

Here are examples of instructions your doctor might give you for care after your Fraxel treatment.

  • Ice for ten minutes every hour for the next 5 – 6 hours to reduce swelling. Use a bag of frozen peas covered with a thin clean cloth/towel.
  • Avoid scratching or rubbing the treated skin – do not put adhesive dressings over treated areas.
  • Men may shave 1-2 days post-treatment, but be gentle.
  • Avoid all saunas and hot tubs. Showers can be taken, but avoid hot water and direct shower spray to the area for three days following treatment.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 48-72 hours (this includes all yoga).
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours.
  • Sleep with 1-2 extra pillows to raise your head for two nights.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for at least four weeks after your treatment, and wear a sunblock with 10% zinc or titanium for the next four weeks. If actively outdoors, you should reapply your sunscreen every 2-4 hours and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Do not use retinoid, Retin-A, or glycolic products for 1-2 weeks post-procedure. Do not use any non-prescription creams without checking with your doctor first.
  • Refrain from any chemical peel treatments or microdermabrasion for four weeks post-procedure.

Can I go back to work and activities immediately?

No, you must take the rest of that day to ice and care for the treated area. You can return to all your activities, including exercise, when your doctor approves it, usually 1-7 days after laser treatment. Swimming in a chlorinated pool is not advised for 1-3 weeks. You may exercise outside with a full-brimmed hat and a high-quality sunscreen with 10% zinc or titanium when your doctor approves.

How many treatments will I need?

Three to five treatments, approximately 4-8 weeks apart. An estimate should be given to you at your consultation. The number depends on the extent of your sun damage, acne scarring, or wrinkles. Gradual improvement occurs with each treatment.

Vegas Fraxel

Are there any reasons not to be treated with these lasers?

Reasons not to do a fractional laser treatment may include medications that increase photosensitivity, use of anticoagulants, history of bleeding disorders, and pregnancy.

Are there any medical or cosmetic side effects?

The main side effects are temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). Your laser center should review the side effects in your consent form.

What about competitors to Fraxel?

To make things even more confusing, there are now fractional resurfacing lasers (like the Fraxel) and more ablative fractional carbon dioxide lasers (like the DOT, the Active Fx, and the Affirm).

The ablative fractional CO2 lasers treat more deeply but require more healing time or downtime.

The Fraxel laser, the first of the non-ablative fractional lasers, certainly has the most study data and an impressive record. But again, as we get more information, it will be interesting to see which devices are the most useful. Still recommend sticking with Fraxel dual laser rejuvenation because the results are the most predictable and consistent.

How does the Fraxel Laser Las Vegas work for acne scars?

Many of the original studies with this laser were done on patients with acne scarring. Fraxel laser for acne scarring works as long as the scarring is mild or moderate. If the scarring is deep or skin sagging is associated with the scars, a fractional CO2 laser is generally a better choice. If the Fraxel is used for deeper scars, expect to need more treatments than is average.

How does the Fraxel work for Sagging Skin?

This laser does NOT work well for sagging skin.

How does the Fraxel work for wrinkles?

The Fraxel has a modest but noticeable effect on mild to moderate wrinkles. It’s not the best choice for deep wrinkles and wrinkles associated with volume loss and sagging. For wrinkles, younger patients in the 30-50 range will generally get the best results with this laser. It still has a very positive effect on sun damage and texture changes due to sun damage if a 3-5 treatment series is performed.

Nevada Fraxel Laser

How is Fraxel different from other laser treatments?

Fraxel Dual Laser for acne scars in Las Vegas is a fractional laser treatment that can be used to improve the appearance of the skin. It can treat wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and other skin concerns. Fraxel uses a fractional approach to treat the skin, unlike other laser treatments. This means that only a fraction of the skin is treated with the laser at each session. This allows the skin to heal quickly and reduces the risk of side effects.

Who is a good candidate for Fraxel?

A good candidate for Las Vegas Fraxel is someone looking to improve their skin’s appearance. This can be done by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. The procedure can also help improve the skin’s overall texture and tone.

Who should avoid getting Fraxel?

There are a few groups of people who should avoid Las Vegas Fraxel:
-People with active skin infections or open wounds
-People who are pregnant or breastfeeding
-People who have recently had a chemical peel, laser treatment, or other similar procedure
-People who have a history of keloid scarring
-People who have a history of cold sores or herpes simplex virus

How much does a Fraxel laser cost?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the Fraxel Laser in Las Vegas cost will vary depending on several factors, including the specific treatment being received, the number of sessions required, the size of the treatment area, and the location of the clinic. Contact our Las Vegas med spa today to find out more about the Fraxel cost per treatment.

Get Your Best Skin with Chic la Vie Med Spa

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced team in Las Vegas to help you achieve your skin goals, you can rely on the Chic la Vie Med Spa experts. Led by Dr. Lane Smith, this med spa in Las Vegas offers advanced treatments such as Fraxel laser treatment to reduce signs of aging, large pores, uneven skin tone, and rosacea. With years of experience in the field and a highly trained team of technicians and doctors, Chic la Vie Med Spa can provide you with the perfect balance of state-of-the-art techniques and personalized care.

Regarding Fraxel in Las Vegas, our Las Vegas medical spa stands out with its excellent Fraxel laser reviews from clients. Their innovative laser technology can penetrate deep into the skin’s surface to treat wrinkles and other signs of aging without damaging surrounding tissue. Whether looking for overall skin rejuvenation or smoothing out fine lines around your eyes or mouth, this treatment can provide excellent results that instantly make you look younger!

What’s even better is that they also offer Dysport injections, which are designed to target specific areas of your face or body where wrinkles or uneven skin tones may be present. This combination of treatments helps ensure that all areas are properly targeted and treated to achieve your overall goal.

The Chic la Vie Med Spa team understands that everyone has different aesthetic goals, so they work closely with each patient to customize a plan that fits their needs. From highly experienced plastic surgeons like Dr. Lane Smith, who specialize in procedures like breast augmentations and face lifts, to medical aestheticians who understand how best to treat various skin conditions using Fraxel laser technology – this medspa in Las Vegas has everything you need for complete confidence in knowing that your goals will be met.

No matter what kind of look you may be going for – our Medical Spa in Las Vegas has everything necessary for safe and effective treatments backed by a highly trained team of professionals who know how important it is for every patient’s satisfaction levels after leaving the office. So if you’re considering any cosmetic procedure – don’t hesitate another minute! Schedule an appointment today at Chic la Vie Med Spa to discuss how Fraxel or Dysport injections can help give you excellent results!

Consultation is always required before booking this treatment*

Fraxel Dual Laser

  • How often can I get Fraxel Dual Laser treatments?

    Treatments are done with the Fraxel restore laser are usually done every 4 weeks for a series of three to four treatment sessions depending on the condition being treated. Treatments done with a Fraxel repair device, which are more aggressive treatments, are generally done as a single procedure.

  • What can the Fraxel Laser do for me?

    Fraxel lasers are a type of fractional resurfacing treatment. The lasers deliver microscopic laser spots to the skin while leaving the surrounding areas untouched. After treatment, the skin jumps into action, growing new collagen, creating new cells, and regenerating itself for smoother, refreshed skin.

  • How does Fraxel dual work?

    Fraxel Dual utilizes fractional laser technology to stimulate collagen production and promote new skin growth without damaging surrounding tissue. It can be used all over the body, not just on the face.

  • What are the dangers of Fraxel repair?

    What Are the Dangers of Fraxel Repair? Facts. The most aggressive of all fractionated laser treatments, Fraxel repair combines the use of carbon dioxide (CO2)… Side Effects. Although a safe and beneficial procedure when done right, the laser can cause damaging effects when… Considerations. Fraxel repair is an expensive procedure. Some individuals may need more than a single treatment to maintain the benefits of Fraxel treatment over time.

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