VI Peel is a gentle yet powerful medical-grade peel known as our “do it all peel.” Safe for ALL skin types. It uncovers a person’s best-looking skin.

Chemical Peels Las Vegas

Benefits of Chemical Peels


The Vi Precision Plus Peel is a supercharged version of the Vi Peel for stubborn melasma and pigmentation problems.


These clinical corrective peels combine derma-planing (physical exfoliation), chemical exfoliation and ultra hydration to reduce signs of sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, dullness and other skin imperfections, encouraging cell renewal and collagen synthesis for firmer, healthier, radiant skin.

Chemical Peels

  • How do you make a chemical peel?

    The list of ingredients that can be used to make a chemical peel includes ¼ cup white cane sugar, ¼ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 cup water, 12 uncoated aspirin, lemon juice, and cotton balls. To make an AHA Chemical peel, you will first need to mix yogurt and cane sugar into a bowl.

    How do you make a chemical peel?

  • What are the stages of a chemical peel?

    The 5 Phases of a Chemical Peel. Phase 1: Prepare. The skin is cleansed, toned, and wiped with a cleansing solution to de-grease the skin and prepare it for the peel to be applied. Phase 2: Protect. A protector is applied to the more sensitive areas of the skin. Phase 3: Mesopeel.

  • What are the steps of a chemical peel?

    A chemical peel involves 3 simple steps: 1) Prep – Depending on the peel type, prepping your skin may be as simple as a quick wipe with alcohol or acetone. 2) Acid application – From a make-up sponge to gauze, or even a fan brush, the acid(s) is applied slowly and deliberately in a typical and repeated pattern.

  • What really happens when you get a chemical peel?

    Chemical peels can improve the skin’s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it ” blister ” and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, or hands.

    How Chemical Peels Can Improve Your Skin

    • Soften wrinkles and fine lines around mouth and mouth.
    • Smooth away rough skin.
    • Help uneven pigmentation appear more even.
    • Minimize the appearance of sun damage.
    • Reduce the appearance of age spots.
    1. Go to a pro.

    “Chemical peels use a chemical agent to dissolve cellular bonds and excess skin cells,” explains ELEMIS VP of Global Education Annet King. Although professional peels vary in strength, you don’t want to try using pro peels at home. King adds, “Always consult a well-trained professional to see what they recommend, to evaluate your response and possible contraindications. Never try this at home!” A professional can also assess what peel would be best to treat certain skin issues such as acne or hyperpigmentation.

    1. You don’t really peel.

    When you think about chemical peels, you likely picture your face shedding like a snake. But in reality, t’s actually not that intense. “One misnomer about peels is that you peel,” says King. “Sometimes you can’t see the peeling, as it’s not in sheets [of skin], but you are peeling and have successfully exfoliated your skin.”

    1. Don’t book your appointment before a big event.

    Want to look fresh-faced for a big event? Be very careful about booking a peel too close to the big day. (Remember that scene in Sex and the City when Samantha was forced to wear a veil post-peel? Yeah, let’s avoid that!) It’s especially important if you’ve never had a peel and don’t know how your skin is going to react. Although a lot of peels require zero downtime, it’s a chance you still don’t want to take.

    1. It’s not extremely painful.

    Just the word “peel” might have you cringing as you imagine layers of skin being blasted, but because a lot of peels today are focused on minimizing downtime, the actual procedure won’t be as harsh. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about shrieking out in pain. It’s actually post-peel when you might find your skin to be most tender.

    1. Complications are the most common post-peel.

    Are you worried something could go wrong during the procedure? Although there is always that possibility with any procedure, King states that the majority of complications happen post-peel. And they’re usually caused by a lack of compliance from the person who received the peel. Whoops! So, if your dermatologist gives you instructions, make sure you follow them closely!

    1. Be careful of what products you use after your peel.

    One thing that can cause problems after a chemical peel is using any old product on your face. Even the products that you normally use in your skincare routine could irritate your face post peel. This is especially true if they contain harsh ingredients. Ask your derm what gentle products you should use on your face post-peel to reduce the likelihood of irritation.

  • What chemical peel is best to tighten skin?

    Light TCA chemical peels (including Obagi Blue Peels) use trichloroacetic acid to more aggressively erase wrinkles and tighten the skin, minimize enlarged pores, and even pigmentation. As TCA is more aggressive in nature, recovery time is increased.

  • How are chemical peels combat aging skin?

    Chemical peels improve the appearance of aging skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance.

  • Is it possible for a chemical peel to plump your skin as well?

    It is not possible for chemical peels to plump up the skin. It can create an illusion of plump skin by fading away from the wrinkles and fine lines which makes the skin appear smoother, and the under-eye dark circles look less prominent once they become light so it’s just a pseudo effect.

  • What is the best anti-aging Peel?

    Glycolic is great for fine lines mostly and a general refreshing of the skin. The most powerful anti-aging peel will be our TCA peelsTCA 13 is an excellent choice to start with for treating fine lines and spotty pigmentation on non-sensitive skin types.

  • What is the best Peel for dark skin?

    Ensure your dermatologist is experienced in carrying out TCA peels on dark skin before making an appointment. Superficial peels are by far the safest but they are also effective at dealing with skin discolorations. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid can all be used for superficial peels.

  • What conditions do chemical peels treat most effectively?

    A chemical peel can diminish many signs of aging on the face as well as the hands, neck, and chest. Chemical peels also treat some skin conditions. Dermatologists use chemical peels to treat some types of acne and conditions that discolor the skin.

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