SCULPTRA® Aesthetic is an FDA-approved collagen stimulator/injectable designed to gradually and subtly stimulate your skin’s natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase facial volume lost to aging. It Is different from Hyaluronic Acid fillers in that it is not an instant quick-fix but is long-lasting. It is unique because it is a facial injectable that gives subtle results over time, replacing lost collagen and giving you a more youthful, natural-looking appearance. The number of treatments varies depending on the structure and facial volume lost; results can last more than two years.



If you want to learn more about Sculptra in Las Vegas, Contact us at 702-233-8535.


  • What are the dangers of Sculptra?

    Sculptra is a great filler. Sculptra is a great filler. However, the technique of injecting it is very difficult to learn. Make sure you go to someone who has been using it regularly and is comfortable in his/her technique.

    What are the dangers of Sculptra?

  • Should you opt in for Sculptra?

    Sculptra is effective and safe for all skin types and colors, it is considered the best option for people who have an overall good health status. Your dermatologist will provide you a list of cases that should not undergo the Sculptra procedure such as: If you are allergic to Lidocaine If you have skin infections or rashes.

  • What to expect during a Sculptra treatment?

    When Sculptra is first injected, you may notice an immediate plumping effect which gives the appearance of a full correction by the end of the treatment session. The original skin depression may initially reappear, but the depression should gradually improve within several weeks as the treatment effect of Sculptra occurs.

  • Who should perform Sculptra?

    Sculptra is a very advanced treatment only an MD should perform. It should also only be performed by an MD with lots of experience with the product.

  • Can prednisone affect Sculptra?

    Low dose Prednisone would not have had a lasting effect on Sculptra. Fluid retention is a well-known side effect of Prednisone. What may have happened is that fluid might have settled into the area where the Sculptra was injected. As the fluid resorbed, the appearance may have looked as your cheeks were deflating.

  • How is Sculptra different than other fillers?

    How is Sculptra different than other dermal fillers? Sculptra provides more subtle and long-lasting results than many other fillers. It works on the deeper layers of your skin, in contrast to other fillers that simply fill in wrinkles without addressing the underlying cause.

    How is Sculptra different than other fillers?

  • How long after filler can you use Sculptra?

    There is no contraindication of having Sculptra after instant filler such as perlane or Restylane. In many cases, instant filler can be layered with Sculptra for more projection of the cheeks. Keep in mind instant fillers generally last 6 to 12 months.

  • When should a person start to use Sculptra?

    As stated above, Sculptra is used to create fullness under the skin. It can be used in extreme cases of facial depression to less extreme cases where a person simply wants to fill in wrinkles. Either way, there is a list of things that the liquid injection can help with.