Belotero Balance

BELOTERO BALANCE is a prescription injection that is approved to temporarily smooth out and fill in moderate to severe nasolabial folds (the folds or wrinkles that go from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth).

Belotero and Juvederm are both cosmetic fillers that are used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and restore facial contours for a more youthful appearance.

Belotero Balance has a soft, gel-like consistency. The hyaluronic acid in the product binds with the water in your skin to subtly fill in lines and wrinkles. Some Belotero products have more volume, which makes them effective for enlarging your lips, cheeks, or chin.
How is it done? Before the procedure, your doctor will take your medical history.

BELOTERO BALANCE is a family of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers with natural tissue integration, enabling your aesthetic practitioner to create subtle, smooth results while respecting the natural contours of your face.


Although Botox has so many positive benefits, both cosmetically and medically, there are also risks associated with it. Botulinum toxin in very large doses can cause Botulism, which is a rare and paralyzing illness that most commonly stems from food poisoning.

People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating, migraines, muscular disorders, and some bladder and bowel disorders. Botulism, an illness caused by Botulinum toxin, can cause respiratory failure and prove deadly. Just 1 gram of Botulinum toxin could kill over 1 million people.

Botox is used in the face to treat wrinkles. The synthetic strands within Botox tell your muscles to refrain from contracting, thus relaxing the muscle and providing wrinkle-free skin. The proven and most popular areas for Botox for the face are the areas surrounding the eyes, the brows, and the forehead.

No, Botox is generally safe for use, and the injectable is FDA-approved to treat wrinkles, migraines, and excessive perspiration.

5 Things You Need to Know Before Botox

  1. Avoid alcohol, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Be patient.
  3. Beware of complications.
  4. Know the side effects.
  5. Think long-term.

Botox is popular because it produces quick and very noticeable results: wrinkles melting away, firmer skin, and fine lines disappearing as if they were never there. Botox injections are also a minimally invasive procedure, which can be done as you relax at a Houston MedSpa, and which require no recovery time.

Yes, you can be poisoned by too much Botox! Like all medications, Botox has to be administered within the therapeutic range. Too little is not effective, and too much is an overdose. With extreme dosages (well beyond the approved amounts), the treatment could be lethal, and that’s why, technically, it could be used as rat poison.

Chemical Peels

The list of ingredients that can be used to make a chemical peel includes ¼ cup white cane sugar, ¼ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 cup water, 12 uncoated aspirin, lemon juice, and cotton balls. To make an AHA Chemical peel, you will first need to mix yogurt and cane sugar into a bowl.

The 5 Phases of a Chemical Peel. Phase 1: Prepare. The skin is cleansed, toned, and wiped with a cleansing solution to de-grease the skin and prepare it for the peel to be applied. Phase 2: Protect. A protector is applied to the more sensitive areas of the skin. Phase 3: Mesopeel.

A chemical peel involves 3 simple steps: 1) Prep – Depending on the peel type, prepping your skin may be as simple as a quick wipe with alcohol or acetone. 2) Acid application – From a make-up sponge to gauze, or even a fan brush, the acid(s) is applied slowly and deliberately in a typical and repeated pattern.

Chemical peels can improve the skin’s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it ” blister ” and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, or hands.

  • Soften wrinkles and fine lines around mouth and mouth.
  • Smooth away rough skin.
  • Help uneven pigmentation appear more even.
  • Minimize the appearance of sun damage.
  • Reduce the appearance of age spots.
  1. Go to a pro.

“Chemical peels use a chemical agent to dissolve cellular bonds and excess skin cells,” explains ELEMIS VP of Global Education Annet King. Although professional peels vary in strength, you don’t want to try using pro peels at home. King adds, “Always consult a well-trained professional to see what they recommend, to evaluate your response and possible contraindications. Never try this at home!” A professional can also assess what peel would be best to treat certain skin issues such as acne or hyperpigmentation.

  1. You don’t really peel.

When you think about chemical peels, you likely picture your face shedding like a snake. But in reality, t’s actually not that intense. “One misnomer about peels is that you peel,” says King. “Sometimes you can’t see the peeling, as it’s not in sheets [of skin], but you are peeling and have successfully exfoliated your skin.”

  1. Don’t book your appointment before a big event.

Want to look fresh-faced for a big event? Be very careful about booking a peel too close to the big day. (Remember that scene in Sex and the City when Samantha was forced to wear a veil post-peel? Yeah, let’s avoid that!) It’s especially important if you’ve never had a peel and don’t know how your skin is going to react. Although a lot of peels require zero downtime, it’s a chance you still don’t want to take.

  1. It’s not extremely painful.

Just the word “peel” might have you cringing as you imagine layers of skin being blasted, but because a lot of peels today are focused on minimizing downtime, the actual procedure won’t be as harsh. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about shrieking out in pain. It’s actually post-peel when you might find your skin to be most tender.

  1. Complications are the most common post-peel.

Are you worried something could go wrong during the procedure? Although there is always that possibility with any procedure, King states that the majority of complications happen post-peel. And they’re usually caused by a lack of compliance from the person who received the peel. Whoops! So, if your dermatologist gives you instructions, make sure you follow them closely!

  1. Be careful of what products you use after your peel.

One thing that can cause problems after a chemical peel is using any old product on your face. Even the products that you normally use in your skincare routine could irritate your face post peel. This is especially true if they contain harsh ingredients. Ask your derm what gentle products you should use on your face post-peel to reduce the likelihood of irritation.

Light TCA chemical peels (including Obagi Blue Peels) use trichloroacetic acid to more aggressively erase wrinkles and tighten the skin, minimize enlarged pores, and even pigmentation. As TCA is more aggressive in nature, recovery time is increased.

Chemical peels improve the appearance of aging skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance.

It is not possible for chemical peels to plump up the skin. It can create an illusion of plump skin by fading away from the wrinkles and fine lines which makes the skin appear smoother, and the under-eye dark circles look less prominent once they become light so it’s just a pseudo effect.

Glycolic is great for fine lines mostly and a general refreshing of the skin. The most powerful anti-aging peel will be our TCA peelsTCA 13 is an excellent choice to start with for treating fine lines and spotty pigmentation on non-sensitive skin types.

Ensure your dermatologist is experienced in carrying out TCA peels on dark skin before making an appointment. Superficial peels are by far the safest but they are also effective at dealing with skin discolorations. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid can all be used for superficial peels.

A chemical peel can diminish many signs of aging on the face as well as the hands, neck, and chest. Chemical peels also treat some skin conditions. Dermatologists use chemical peels to treat some types of acne and conditions that discolor the skin.


From what you are describing, there is a possibility that you may have developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. This is very rare but can occur to some patients who have been treated with CoolSculpting. Liposuction is the only way to fix it if this is the case. Definitely contact Zeltiq to see if they can help you with your situation.

Now that the Coolsculpting treatment is complete, you are able to go about your normal daily activities, including working out if desired. You can expect to experience soreness and tenderness in the treated area for one to two weeks.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has certified CoolSculpting as a safe medical treatment. CoolSculpting has many benefits over traditional liposuction. It’s nonsurgical, noninvasive, and requires no recovery time. And it’s effective in reducing fat cells in a given treatment area by up to 20 to 25 percent.

CoolSculpting  is not a  weight-loss procedure , it just removes fat. Intermediate, it’s an effective procedure that motivates you to take a special diet and exercise routine which can ultimately lead to weight loss .

There are no extensive preparations needed before your CoolSculpting procedure. Ensure you are the correct candidate for the procedure with an initial consultation. On the day of making sure to eat breakfast and drink plenty of water both prior to and after the procedure.

Yes. Plain and simple. CoolSculpting does work, and it works very well. Many sources affirm that CoolSculpting works. These include CoolSculpting reviews in scientific literature, CoolSculpting reviews from actual patients, CoolSculpting before and after pictures, and the ever-growing popularity of this revolutionary fat-freezing procedure.

Our experience is that diarrhea is not generally a common reaction to having CoolSculpting. There have been a couple of times that patients have mentioned that they had diarrhea post CoolSculpting in the first week after treating the lower abdomen. Some patients have more sensitive intestinal tracts.

Because this is a non-invasive procedure that involves no medications or anesthesia, CoolSculpting is safe for diabetics. Because there are no incisions made there is no surgical wound and no risk of infection or poor healing.

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. It is not a treatment for obesity. Instead, the technique is appropriate for helping to remove small amounts of extra fat resistant to other weight-loss attempts such as diet and exercise. CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in many people.

Coolsculpting is not considered a weight-loss treatment. It’s a non-invasive treatment that targets stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise and is for those who are within their ideal weight range. You typically lose 20-25% of the fat in the area treated, each time you treat it.

Cutera Excel V Laser

The Excel V Laser system features the broadest set of capabilities for treating the widest range of superficial to deep vascular conditions, benign pigmented lesions, and skin revitalization concerns.

Product Info Request. excel V+ is the latest generation laser technology for vascular and pigmentation treatments. With design input from leading dermatologists, excel V+ delivers the power, precision, and performance to safely and effectively treat indications from challenging vascular and pigmentary conditions to today’s most common skin concerns

The excel V’s premium sapphire contact cooling provides visibility through a large treatment window and continuous cooling before, during and after each pulse of the laser, giving your patients the highest level of comfort and safety.


In the hands of a professional, Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, says Dr. Lane Smith, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin.

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that removes the top layers of your skin. The procedure aims to remove fine wrinkles and deep acne scarring, as well as make the skin’s surface look smooth.

What Is Dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a skin treatment designed to smooth out the skin on the face. During a Dermaplaning treatment, an aesthetician will use a special, surgical blade to gently shave off the hair on the face and scrape away the top layer of dead skin cells. Dermaplaning helps to increase cellular turnover.

How Often Should You Dermaplane Your Face? A good frequency is once every one or two weeks. Everyone’s skin differs – so you will know how often is best for you (perhaps a Sunday ritual?) You can judge it by: once your skin starts looking dull again, doesn’t feel as smooth, or you notice the tiny hairs coming back.


Emsculpt works to strengthen and tone the muscles through strategically applied electromagnetic energy. When the Emsculpt applicator is used on the muscles, it sends non-invasive HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) energy into the area.

Emsculpt is a non-surgical procedure that creates muscle definition and burns fat in your butt and around your abs and obliques. It also recently gained approval for treating biceps, triceps, thighs, and calves.

Because Emsculpt is the only one that both reduces fat and tones muscle, it can be used as a complement to other fat-loss treatments like liposuction or CoolSculpting. CoolTone, just cleared by the FDA in 2019, similarly uses magnetic energy to firm, tone, and strengthen the abs, buttocks, and thighs by stimulating muscle contractions.

Emsculpting Muscle/Fat Reduction Therapy Emsculpting is a non-invasive procedure/therapy with no downtime where Pads placed on the area and uses High-Intense Focused Electromagnetic energy to simultaneously build muscle, burn fat, strengthen, tone and firm.

EMSCULPT treatments by Chic la Vie Med Spa, Emsculpt is a one-of-a-kind non-invasive body contouring treatment that simultaneously burns fat and tones abdominal and gluteal muscles. It’s also earned FDA-approval as the world’s first and only non-invasive butt lift, making Emsculpt an excellent alternative to a Brazilian butt lift.

Emsculpt is known for being the first and only non-surgical butt lift procedure that requires no injections and no incisions. The device induces muscular contractions, which can help increase the strength and tone of the gluteal region.

Emsculpt, also known as M Sculpt, induces powerful contractions by stimulating muscle tissue with Highly Focused Intense Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy. Known as supramaximal contractions, these contractions are faster and more intense than anything a person could initiate voluntarily with strength-building exercises.

Emsculpt is a nonsurgical body-sculpting procedure that builds muscle and burns fat by inducing muscle contractions with electromagnetic energy. It can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms, thighs, and calves-creating more definition and reducing circumference.

Emsculpt can instead be used as a body contouring method and to help you build the muscle you may need to confidentially start an exercise program (as it did for Drew Barrymore). If you’re thinking about giving Emsculpt a go, the cost of a full treatment ranges from $3,000 to $4,000, depending on the physician.

Fraxel Dual Laser

Treatments are done with the Fraxel restore laser are usually done every 4 weeks for a series of three to four treatment sessions depending on the condition being treated. Treatments done with a Fraxel repair device, which are more aggressive treatments, are generally done as a single procedure.

Fraxel lasers are a type of fractional resurfacing treatment. The lasers deliver microscopic laser spots to the skin while leaving the surrounding areas untouched. After treatment, the skin jumps into action, growing new collagen, creating new cells, and regenerating itself for smoother, refreshed skin.

Fraxel Dual utilizes fractional laser technology to stimulate collagen production and promote new skin growth without damaging surrounding tissue. It can be used all over the body, not just on the face.

What Are the Dangers of Fraxel Repair? Facts. The most aggressive of all fractionated laser treatments, Fraxel repair combines the use of carbon dioxide (CO2)… Side Effects. Although a safe and beneficial procedure when done right, the laser can cause damaging effects when… Considerations. Fraxel repair is an expensive procedure. Some individuals may need more than a single treatment to maintain the benefits of Fraxel treatment over time.

HydraFacial MD

The HydraFacial does an amazing job of exfoliating and cleansing your skin while the dead skin cells are suctioned from your face. You will end up with a renewed layer of skin. You can expect no downtime with the HydraFacial MD.

A HydraFacial is a multistep facial done with a patented medical-grade device that cleanses, exfoliates, and does pore extractions as well as pumps the skin with hydration and anti-aging ingredients such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and peptides.

It’s offered across the country at licensed medical professional facilities, or where a certified HydraFacial aesthetician is present. The four-step treatment includes cleansingexfoliating¸ extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection. The treatment involves the infusion of oxygenated water to hydrate and cleanses your skin, removing dead cells and impurities.

Through HydraFacial, you can breathe new life into your skin with no need for painfulinvasive, or costly medical treatments. This is a safe but powerful treatment that can be done on all skin types in under an hour.

On the other hand, HydraFacial can be used by people with hyper-sensitive skin and is actually recommended for treating rosacea and dry, peeling skin. Best for: Chemical peels are good for patients with wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and other skin concerns who do not have sensitive skin, a darker skin tone, or skin disorders. Those with sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and other disorders should not undergo chemical peels.

HydraFacial is a 30-minute procedure that the client will leave the office seeing instant results with. The effects of the HydraFacial are long-lasting, it produces clean, smooth, and glowing skin that with frequent treatments can be used to restore and maintain the skin’s health.

The HydraFacial treatment is different because the technology addresses two main causes of skin issuesdeep-set impurities and damaged skin cells, in just one 30-minutein-office procedure. High-grade serum ingredients. Several skin serums are used throughout the procedure.

As with any cosmetic procedure, costs can widely vary depending on where you live, the experience of the person performing the procedure, and the extent to which you need treatment. As a general rule of thumb, HydraFacials cost anywhere between $150 and $300 per treatment.

HydraFacials are offered at Chic la Vie Med Spa. For more information about HydraFacial, please contact Chic la Vie at (702) 233-8535.

Suitable for most skin types. The HydraFacial procedure is safe for most skin types. HydraFacial can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a treatment program alongside Lasers, Intense Pulsed Lights, Radio Frequency, Microdermabrasion, and LEDs.

The HydraFacial® functions more as a one-size-fits-all treatment and is best suited for those in need of a gentle, moisturizing facial. For those searching for a hydrating treatment that can be customized to treat more specific skin conditions or needs, Dermalinfusion® may be the better option.

Intense Pulsed Light

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a technology used by cosmetic and medical practitioners to perform various skin treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes, including hair removal, photorejuvenation (e.g. the treatment of skin pigmentation, sun damage, and thread veins) as well as to alleviate dermatologic diseases such as acne.

Differences Between IPL and Laser Technology

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) IPL emits a broader spectrum of light wavelengths, (polychromatic light) in short pulses, at less intensity than a laser.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis® gently heats the upper dermis stimulating collagen regrowth. Additional heat is generated in dilated capillaries to reduce redness. You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation.

The longevity of laser genesis results varies from one person to another with most people experiencing sustained results that last 6-12 months. The results can however be extended in a number of ways.

Often described as ‘ non-surgical liposuction ‘, this fat dissolving injection treatment has been used for over 20 years in many countries as a fat-dissolving agent to help reduce those annoying exercise and diet-resistant small fatty deposits.

A: Cost of Laser Genesis for large pores, fine lines, etc. Laser Genesis treats the many undesired signs of aging and sun-damage on the face. Five treatments, spaced out 2 to 4 weeks apart are recommended to achieve optimal results. Prices vary from location but typically range from $150 to $350 per treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

Yes, it works. The laser hair removal, you can remove multiple hairs at one time. It removes all types of unwanted body hairs. People see a permanent reduction in their hair when they complete a series of treatments only.

Laser and light-based technology are effective for hair reduction and the removal of unwanted body hair. During laser hair removal, a laser beam passes through the skin to an individual hair follicle. The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle, resulting in a reduction of the number of hairs and the quality of hair.

Laser hair reduction  is an effective and non-invasive treatment solution that is fast and safe.  Most patients can return to work and normal activity immediately.   It is not uncommon for the skin to feel warm and look red after treatment. 

Chic la Vie Medical Spa in Las Vegas is pleased to offer laser hair removal treatments using the Candela GentleMax Pro™ system.  For laser hair reduction, Candela is considered the “gold standard” regardless of skin type.  Most patients find laser hair reduction with the Candela GentleMax Pro to be quite comfortable, and for hair removal, there is nothing more effective.

Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment in which you’re exposed to an artificial light source. The therapy primarily treats major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns (formerly known as a seasonal affective disorder, or SAD).

Light therapy or phototherapy (classically referred to as heliotherapy) consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarized light, lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, dichroic lamps, or very bright, full-spectrum light. The light is administered for a prescribed amount of time and, in some cases, at a specific time of day.

Light therapy is meant to combat that by introducing an artificial natural light for some affected with it. During light therapy, a person sits or works near the light therapy box. According to the Chic la Vie Med Spa, the light that the light therapy box produces is supposed to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep.

LED light therapy is a popular noninvasive skin treatment for acne , sun damage , wounds , and other skin problems .People can choose to have LED light therapy at a dermatologist’s office or to use a device at home.


Microdermabrasion is a common aesthetic procedure used to improve the appearance of skin. It is a form of exfoliation that uses a microdermabrasion machine that sprays fine crystal particles across the surface of the skin, removing the top layer, and then vacuums both the crystals and dead skin away.

Candidates who have had a recent chemical peel or other skin procedure, such as collagen injections, should wait two to three weeks before undergoing microdermabrasion. Prospective patients should also refrain from waxing or tanning the skin to be treated for a few weeks prior to a microdermabrasion treatment.

In case you are facing the problems of enlarged pores, then microdermabrasion is the best device for you to try at home. The Microdermabrasion machine pulls the blood flow to the surface of the skin and this increased blood flow helps you to get radiant and glowing skin.

Microdermabrasion and healthy skin No not at all! When Microdermabrasion is done properly and by a well trained, experienced individual, it can be extremely effective for helping acne, acne scarring, pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles.

In most cases, patients can return to normal activities immediately after microdermabrasion. Side effects are usually very mild. Patients may experience slight swelling and redness of the skin, to the same degree as that caused by a mild sunburn.


Microneedling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen. The idea is that pinpricks from the procedure cause slight injury to the skin and that the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue.

The major benefits of Micro-needling include: Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines. The loss of elastin and collagen causes thinning, sagging skin, and facial wrinkles. Micro-needling stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen that reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

  1. Improves the quality and texture of your skin (immediately)
  2. Reduces pockmarks and scarring
  3. Reduces blackheads
  4. Treats acne and cystic acne
  5. Exfoliates the skin
  6. Makes you look younger by reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  7. Reduces hyperpigmentation and evens skin the skin tone

When explaining what to expect after Microneedling, your dermatologist will inform you that by maintaining strict sterile conditions, she ensures that the possibility of side effects is minimized. However, you can expect after-effects like redness and bruise.

Essentially, the PRP Plasma Facial is a micro needling procedure using the client’s own plasma as an infusion. It firms your skin, helps you look younger, and can treat a variety of skin conditions, such as acne scars and blemishes. The most popular term for the facial is probably the PRP Facial.

Also known as the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP Facial), a vampire facial combines microneedling with an application of Platelet-Rich Plasma. The procedure begins by withdrawing blood from the patient and then using a centrifuge to extract the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The patient then undergoes a microneedling treatment.

On your part, by taking a few precautions, you can shorten the recovery time from your PRP treatments. Follow your doctor’s recommendations like taking the prescribed pain medications. You can also ice the treated area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time several times a day. You’ll soon see the swelling and redness settling.

PDO Thread lift

In general, PDO threads can be divided into floating, non-barbed threads, and barbed threads. These can be further sub-classified in several ways:

PDO Threads
Non-Barbed Barbed
Mono-filament threads Unilateral vs bilateral
Braided threads Uni-directional vs bi-directional vs z-type
Cutting barbs vs molding barbs

Why Should I Consider a Thread Lift?

  • A Comprehensive Approach. Thread lift treatments are a great option for patients who aren’t just worried about a wrinkle…
  • Gradual Results. A lot of our patients really like the fact that this treatment offers some immediate tightening right.
  • A Convenient, Non-Surgical Option.
  • Customized outcomes
  • Long-lasting results

PDO Thread lifts can benefit practically any part of the face, and improve both skin sagging and texture, The cheeks and lower face, in particular, benefit greatly from the procedure, allowing a lift that is synergistic to other skin lifting treatments such as Ultherapy.

First, the treatment area is mapped out on the skin. Here, so-called direction vectors are drawn in, to aid the lifting process. After that, the area to be treated is anesthetized with an anesthetic cream and thoroughly disinfected.

PRP FaceLift

PRP is a procedure used to treat leaking blood vessels in the retina. Certain conditions weaken the blood vessels, causing them to leak. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is the most common condition PRP is used to treat. This condition causes the retina to create new, weak blood vessels that also leak.

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck.

When PRP therapy is used for hair restoration, it triggers healing on the scalp. The cells are rejuvenated, and they can focus on performing their function of growing hair – which they had stopped doing or were doing poorly. To perform PRP therapy for hair restoration, a hair loss specialist or surgeon will draw some blood from your body.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

Used for many years in sports medicine to treat conditions such as “tennis elbow”, Achilles tendinopathy, rotator cuff and shoulder injuries, PRP is now being used to treat a number of age-related medical aesthetics concerns including dark circles under the eyesfine linessaggingdecreased firmness and uneven skin tone.


Ultherapy is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift. It’s used to counteract signs of aging like skin sagging and wrinkles on the face, neck, and chest as well as drooping of the brow area. The FDA-cleared technology stimulates collagen production, which should create a more youthful look overall.

Depending on your skin laxity, it may only take one Ultherapy treatment for ideal results; other patients may require a series of 3 treatments. As your skin endures the natural aging process, it is recommended to repeat this treatment every 12 months to maintain results.

Ultherapy – a noninvasive skin tightening procedure that uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen production – has generated quite a buzz over the past few years. But some users are reporting alarming side effects. We asked the experts about these rumors.

What to expect after Ultherapy. There is usually no downtime associated with Ultherapy. Regular activities such as work, exercise, or socializing can be resumed immediately after treatment. You can start noticing the first results of Ultherapy within a few days, depending on your body’s ability to produce new collagen.


Sculptra is a great filler. Sculptra is a great filler. However, the technique of injecting it is very difficult to learn. Make sure you go to someone who has been using it regularly and is comfortable in his/her technique.

Sculptra is effective and safe for all skin types and colors, it is considered the best option for people who have an overall good health status. Your dermatologist will provide you a list of cases that should not undergo the Sculptra procedure such as: If you are allergic to Lidocaine If you have skin infections or rashes.

When Sculptra is first injected, you may notice an immediate plumping effect which gives the appearance of a full correction by the end of the treatment session. The original skin depression may initially reappear, but the depression should gradually improve within several weeks as the treatment effect of Sculptra occurs.

Sculptra is a very advanced treatment only an MD should perform. It should also only be performed by an MD with lots of experience with the product.

Low dose Prednisone would not have had a lasting effect on Sculptra. Fluid retention is a well-known side effect of Prednisone. What may have happened is that fluid might have settled into the area where the Sculptra was injected. As the fluid resorbed, the appearance may have looked as your cheeks were deflating.

How is Sculptra different than other dermal fillers? Sculptra provides more subtle and long-lasting results than many other fillers. It works on the deeper layers of your skin, in contrast to other fillers that simply fill in wrinkles without addressing the underlying cause.

There is no contraindication of having Sculptra after instant filler such as perlane or Restylane. In many cases, instant filler can be layered with Sculptra for more projection of the cheeks. Keep in mind instant fillers generally last 6 to 12 months.

As stated above, Sculptra is used to create fullness under the skin. It can be used in extreme cases of facial depression to less extreme cases where a person simply wants to fill in wrinkles. Either way, there is a list of things that the liquid injection can help with.

Venus Freeze

Venus Freeze is an anti-aging, anti-cellulite treatment that is supposed to tighten skin, reduce the look of wrinkles, and fight stubborn cellulite. Its manufacturers claim that it will give your skin a refreshed look and make it youthful once again.

Venus Freeze Plus™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides, and licensed by Health Canada for the non-invasive treatment of cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and temporary reduction in the appearance of stretch marks.

Yes. Venus Freeze uses radiofrequency technology, which is proven to be safe for all skin tones, including darker complexions.

Can I do it during my lunch break?
Absolutely. While exact treatment times can vary depending on each individual patient, a typical session usually only takes 15 to 30 minutes.

Venus Freeze is best for stimulating collagen and promoting skin tightening. Because many people experience skin laxity after losing fat, it is possible to use the combination of both technologies to offer a non-surgical way to get the body shape you want.


Belotero Balance

  • What is Belotero hyaluronic acid?

    BELOTERO BALANCE is a prescription injection that is approved to temporarily smooth out and fill in moderate to severe nasolabial folds (the folds or wrinkles that go from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth).

  • What is Belotero and Juvederm?

    Belotero and Juvederm are both cosmetic fillers that are used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and restore facial contours for a more youthful appearance.

    What is Belotero and Juvederm?

  • How does Belotero Balance work?

    Belotero Balance has a soft, gel-like consistency. The hyaluronic acid in the product binds with the water in your skin to subtly fill in lines and wrinkles. Some Belotero products have more volume, which makes them effective for enlarging your lips, cheeks, or chin.
    How is it done? Before the procedure, your doctor will take your medical history.

  • What is Belotero hyaluronic acid?

    BELOTERO BALANCE is a family of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers with natural tissue integration, enabling your aesthetic practitioner to create subtle, smooth results while respecting the natural contours of your face.


  • What are bad things about Botox?

    Although Botox has so many positive benefits, both cosmetically and medically, there are also risks associated with it. Botulinum toxin in very large doses can cause Botulism, which is a rare and paralyzing illness that most commonly stems from food poisoning.

  • Can Botox kill you?

    People also use Botox to treat excessive sweating, migraines, muscular disorders, and some bladder and bowel disorders. Botulism, an illness caused by Botulinum toxin, can cause respiratory failure and prove deadly. Just 1 gram of Botulinum toxin could kill over 1 million people.

  • What can Botox do for your skin?

    Botox is used in the face to treat wrinkles. The synthetic strands within Botox tell your muscles to refrain from contracting, thus relaxing the muscle and providing wrinkle-free skin. The proven and most popular areas for Botox for the face are the areas surrounding the eyes, the brows, and the forehead.

    What can Botox do for your skin?

  • Is Botox bad for You?

    No, Botox is generally safe for use, and the injectable is FDA-approved to treat wrinkles, migraines, and excessive perspiration.

  • What to know before Botox?

    5 Things You Need to Know Before Botox

    1. Avoid alcohol, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
    2. Be patient.
    3. Beware of complications.
    4. Know the side effects.
    5. Think long-term.
  • Why is Botox so popular?

    Botox is popular because it produces quick and very noticeable results: wrinkles melting away, firmer skin, and fine lines disappearing as if they were never there. Botox injections are also a minimally invasive procedure, which can be done as you relax at a Houston MedSpa, and which require no recovery time.

  • Can you be poisoned by too much Botox?

    Yes, you can be poisoned by too much Botox! Like all medications, Botox has to be administered within the therapeutic range. Too little is not effective, and too much is an overdose. With extreme dosages (well beyond the approved amounts), the treatment could be lethal, and that’s why, technically, it could be used as rat poison.

    Can you be poisoned by too much Botox?

Chemical Peels

  • How do you make a chemical peel?

    The list of ingredients that can be used to make a chemical peel includes ¼ cup white cane sugar, ¼ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 cup water, 12 uncoated aspirin, lemon juice, and cotton balls. To make an AHA Chemical peel, you will first need to mix yogurt and cane sugar into a bowl.

    How do you make a chemical peel?

  • What are the stages of a chemical peel?

    The 5 Phases of a Chemical Peel. Phase 1: Prepare. The skin is cleansed, toned, and wiped with a cleansing solution to de-grease the skin and prepare it for the peel to be applied. Phase 2: Protect. A protector is applied to the more sensitive areas of the skin. Phase 3: Mesopeel.

  • What are the steps of a chemical peel?

    A chemical peel involves 3 simple steps: 1) Prep – Depending on the peel type, prepping your skin may be as simple as a quick wipe with alcohol or acetone. 2) Acid application – From a make-up sponge to gauze, or even a fan brush, the acid(s) is applied slowly and deliberately in a typical and repeated pattern.

  • What really happens when you get a chemical peel?

    Chemical peels can improve the skin’s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it ” blister ” and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck, or hands.

    How Chemical Peels Can Improve Your Skin

    • Soften wrinkles and fine lines around mouth and mouth.
    • Smooth away rough skin.
    • Help uneven pigmentation appear more even.
    • Minimize the appearance of sun damage.
    • Reduce the appearance of age spots.
    1. Go to a pro.

    “Chemical peels use a chemical agent to dissolve cellular bonds and excess skin cells,” explains ELEMIS VP of Global Education Annet King. Although professional peels vary in strength, you don’t want to try using pro peels at home. King adds, “Always consult a well-trained professional to see what they recommend, to evaluate your response and possible contraindications. Never try this at home!” A professional can also assess what peel would be best to treat certain skin issues such as acne or hyperpigmentation.

    1. You don’t really peel.

    When you think about chemical peels, you likely picture your face shedding like a snake. But in reality, t’s actually not that intense. “One misnomer about peels is that you peel,” says King. “Sometimes you can’t see the peeling, as it’s not in sheets [of skin], but you are peeling and have successfully exfoliated your skin.”

    1. Don’t book your appointment before a big event.

    Want to look fresh-faced for a big event? Be very careful about booking a peel too close to the big day. (Remember that scene in Sex and the City when Samantha was forced to wear a veil post-peel? Yeah, let’s avoid that!) It’s especially important if you’ve never had a peel and don’t know how your skin is going to react. Although a lot of peels require zero downtime, it’s a chance you still don’t want to take.

    1. It’s not extremely painful.

    Just the word “peel” might have you cringing as you imagine layers of skin being blasted, but because a lot of peels today are focused on minimizing downtime, the actual procedure won’t be as harsh. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about shrieking out in pain. It’s actually post-peel when you might find your skin to be most tender.

    1. Complications are the most common post-peel.

    Are you worried something could go wrong during the procedure? Although there is always that possibility with any procedure, King states that the majority of complications happen post-peel. And they’re usually caused by a lack of compliance from the person who received the peel. Whoops! So, if your dermatologist gives you instructions, make sure you follow them closely!

    1. Be careful of what products you use after your peel.

    One thing that can cause problems after a chemical peel is using any old product on your face. Even the products that you normally use in your skincare routine could irritate your face post peel. This is especially true if they contain harsh ingredients. Ask your derm what gentle products you should use on your face post-peel to reduce the likelihood of irritation.

  • What chemical peel is best to tighten skin?

    Light TCA chemical peels (including Obagi Blue Peels) use trichloroacetic acid to more aggressively erase wrinkles and tighten the skin, minimize enlarged pores, and even pigmentation. As TCA is more aggressive in nature, recovery time is increased.

  • How are chemical peels combat aging skin?

    Chemical peels improve the appearance of aging skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother and less wrinkled in appearance.

  • Is it possible for a chemical peel to plump your skin as well?

    It is not possible for chemical peels to plump up the skin. It can create an illusion of plump skin by fading away from the wrinkles and fine lines which makes the skin appear smoother, and the under-eye dark circles look less prominent once they become light so it’s just a pseudo effect.

  • What is the best anti-aging Peel?

    Glycolic is great for fine lines mostly and a general refreshing of the skin. The most powerful anti-aging peel will be our TCA peelsTCA 13 is an excellent choice to start with for treating fine lines and spotty pigmentation on non-sensitive skin types.

  • What is the best Peel for dark skin?

    Ensure your dermatologist is experienced in carrying out TCA peels on dark skin before making an appointment. Superficial peels are by far the safest but they are also effective at dealing with skin discolorations. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and lactic acid can all be used for superficial peels.

  • What conditions do chemical peels treat most effectively?

    A chemical peel can diminish many signs of aging on the face as well as the hands, neck, and chest. Chemical peels also treat some skin conditions. Dermatologists use chemical peels to treat some types of acne and conditions that discolor the skin.


  • Can I fix CoolSculpting?

    From what you are describing, there is a possibility that you may have developed paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. This is very rare but can occur to some patients who have been treated with CoolSculpting. Liposuction is the only way to fix it if this is the case. Definitely contact Zeltiq to see if they can help you with your situation.

    Can I fix CoolSculpting?

  • What to expect with CoolSculpting?

    Now that the Coolsculpting treatment is complete, you are able to go about your normal daily activities, including working out if desired. You can expect to experience soreness and tenderness in the treated area for one to two weeks.

    What to expect with CoolSculpting?

  • How safe is CoolSculpting?

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has certified CoolSculpting as a safe medical treatment. CoolSculpting has many benefits over traditional liposuction. It’s nonsurgical, noninvasive, and requires no recovery time. And it’s effective in reducing fat cells in a given treatment area by up to 20 to 25 percent.

  • Should you try CoolSculpting to lose weight?

    CoolSculpting  is not a  weight-loss procedure , it just removes fat. Intermediate, it’s an effective procedure that motivates you to take a special diet and exercise routine which can ultimately lead to weight loss .

  • What to do before CoolSculpting?

    There are no extensive preparations needed before your CoolSculpting procedure. Ensure you are the correct candidate for the procedure with an initial consultation. On the day of making sure to eat breakfast and drink plenty of water both prior to and after the procedure.

  • Does CoolSculpting work reviews?

    Yes. Plain and simple. CoolSculpting does work, and it works very well. Many sources affirm that CoolSculpting works. These include CoolSculpting reviews in scientific literature, CoolSculpting reviews from actual patients, CoolSculpting before and after pictures, and the ever-growing popularity of this revolutionary fat-freezing procedure.

  • Does CoolSculpting cause diarrhea?

    Our experience is that diarrhea is not generally a common reaction to having CoolSculpting. There have been a couple of times that patients have mentioned that they had diarrhea post CoolSculpting in the first week after treating the lower abdomen. Some patients have more sensitive intestinal tracts.

  • Is CoolSculpting safe with diabetes?

    Because this is a non-invasive procedure that involves no medications or anesthesia, CoolSculpting is safe for diabetics. Because there are no incisions made there is no surgical wound and no risk of infection or poor healing.

  • Is CoolSculpting effective for obese people?

    CoolSculpting is not for everyone. It is not a treatment for obesity. Instead, the technique is appropriate for helping to remove small amounts of extra fat resistant to other weight-loss attempts such as diet and exercise. CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for reducing body fat in many people.

    Is CoolSculpting effective for obese people?

  • Does CoolSculpting lose weight?

    Coolsculpting is not considered a weight-loss treatment. It’s a non-invasive treatment that targets stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise and is for those who are within their ideal weight range. You typically lose 20-25% of the fat in the area treated, each time you treat it.

Cutera Excel V Laser

  • What is Excel V Laser?

    The Excel V Laser system features the broadest set of capabilities for treating the widest range of superficial to deep vascular conditions, benign pigmented lesions, and skin revitalization concerns.

  • What is excel v+?

    Product Info Request. excel V+ is the latest generation laser technology for vascular and pigmentation treatments. With design input from leading dermatologists, excel V+ delivers the power, precision, and performance to safely and effectively treat indications from challenging vascular and pigmentary conditions to today’s most common skin concerns

  • What is excel v’s sapphire contact cooling?

    The excel V’s premium sapphire contact cooling provides visibility through a large treatment window and continuous cooling before, during and after each pulse of the laser, giving your patients the highest level of comfort and safety.


  • What is Dermaplaning and is it safe?

    In the hands of a professional, Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, says Dr. Lane Smith, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin.

    What is Dermaplaning and is it safe?

  • What is Dermaplaning and should I do it?

    Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that removes the top layers of your skin. The procedure aims to remove fine wrinkles and deep acne scarring, as well as make the skin’s surface look smooth.

  • What’s the deal with Dermaplaning?

    What Is Dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a skin treatment designed to smooth out the skin on the face. During a Dermaplaning treatment, an aesthetician will use a special, surgical blade to gently shave off the hair on the face and scrape away the top layer of dead skin cells. Dermaplaning helps to increase cellular turnover.

    What’s the deal with Dermaplaning?

  • How often should you dermaplane your face?

    How Often Should You Dermaplane Your Face? A good frequency is once every one or two weeks. Everyone’s skin differs – so you will know how often is best for you (perhaps a Sunday ritual?) You can judge it by: once your skin starts looking dull again, doesn’t feel as smooth, or you notice the tiny hairs coming back.

    How often should you dermaplane your face?


  • How does Emsculpt work?

    Emsculpt works to strengthen and tone the muscles through strategically applied electromagnetic energy. When the Emsculpt applicator is used on the muscles, it sends non-invasive HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) energy into the area.

  • Does emsculpt work on arms?

    Emsculpt is a non-surgical procedure that creates muscle definition and burns fat in your butt and around your abs and obliques. It also recently gained approval for treating biceps, triceps, thighs, and calves.

  • How does Emsculpt reduce fat?

    Because Emsculpt is the only one that both reduces fat and tones muscle, it can be used as a complement to other fat-loss treatments like liposuction or CoolSculpting. CoolTone, just cleared by the FDA in 2019, similarly uses magnetic energy to firm, tone, and strengthen the abs, buttocks, and thighs by stimulating muscle contractions.

  • What is emsculpting therapy?

    Emsculpting Muscle/Fat Reduction Therapy Emsculpting is a non-invasive procedure/therapy with no downtime where Pads placed on the area and uses High-Intense Focused Electromagnetic energy to simultaneously build muscle, burn fat, strengthen, tone and firm.

    What is Emsculpting therapy?

  • What is Emsculpt, and does it really work?

    EMSCULPT treatments by Chic la Vie Med Spa, Emsculpt is a one-of-a-kind non-invasive body contouring treatment that simultaneously burns fat and tones abdominal and gluteal muscles. It’s also earned FDA-approval as the world’s first and only non-invasive butt lift, making Emsculpt an excellent alternative to a Brazilian butt lift.

  • How does Emsculpt work on the butt?

    Emsculpt is known for being the first and only non-surgical butt lift procedure that requires no injections and no incisions. The device induces muscular contractions, which can help increase the strength and tone of the gluteal region.

  • How does Emsculpt build muscle?

    Emsculpt, also known as M Sculpt, induces powerful contractions by stimulating muscle tissue with Highly Focused Intense Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy. Known as supramaximal contractions, these contractions are faster and more intense than anything a person could initiate voluntarily with strength-building exercises.

  • What is the Emsculpt procedure?

    Emsculpt is a nonsurgical body-sculpting procedure that builds muscle and burns fat by inducing muscle contractions with electromagnetic energy. It can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms, thighs, and calves-creating more definition and reducing circumference.

    What is the Emsculpt procedure?

  • How much does Emsculpt cost?

    Emsculpt can instead be used as a body contouring method and to help you build the muscle you may need to confidentially start an exercise program (as it did for Drew Barrymore). If you’re thinking about giving Emsculpt a go, the cost of a full treatment ranges from $3,000 to $4,000, depending on the physician.

    How much does Emsculpt cost?

Fraxel Dual Laser

  • How often can I get Fraxel Dual Laser treatments?

    Treatments are done with the Fraxel restore laser are usually done every 4 weeks for a series of three to four treatment sessions depending on the condition being treated. Treatments done with a Fraxel repair device, which are more aggressive treatments, are generally done as a single procedure.

  • What can the Fraxel Laser do for me?

    Fraxel lasers are a type of fractional resurfacing treatment. The lasers deliver microscopic laser spots to the skin while leaving the surrounding areas untouched. After treatment, the skin jumps into action, growing new collagen, creating new cells, and regenerating itself for smoother, refreshed skin.

  • How does Fraxel dual work?

    Fraxel Dual utilizes fractional laser technology to stimulate collagen production and promote new skin growth without damaging surrounding tissue. It can be used all over the body, not just on the face.

  • What are the dangers of Fraxel repair?

    What Are the Dangers of Fraxel Repair? Facts. The most aggressive of all fractionated laser treatments, Fraxel repair combines the use of carbon dioxide (CO2)… Side Effects. Although a safe and beneficial procedure when done right, the laser can cause damaging effects when… Considerations. Fraxel repair is an expensive procedure. Some individuals may need more than a single treatment to maintain the benefits of Fraxel treatment over time.

HydraFacial MD

  • What to expect from a HydraFacial?

    The HydraFacial does an amazing job of exfoliating and cleansing your skin while the dead skin cells are suctioned from your face. You will end up with a renewed layer of skin. You can expect no downtime with the HydraFacial MD.

    What to expect from a HydraFacial?

  • What exactly is a HydraFacial?

    A HydraFacial is a multistep facial done with a patented medical-grade device that cleanses, exfoliates, and does pore extractions as well as pumps the skin with hydration and anti-aging ingredients such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and peptides.

  • What does HydraFacial treatment consist of?

    It’s offered across the country at licensed medical professional facilities, or where a certified HydraFacial aesthetician is present. The four-step treatment includes cleansingexfoliating¸ extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection. The treatment involves the infusion of oxygenated water to hydrate and cleanses your skin, removing dead cells and impurities.

  • What can a HydraFacial do for You?

    Through HydraFacial, you can breathe new life into your skin with no need for painfulinvasive, or costly medical treatments. This is a safe but powerful treatment that can be done on all skin types in under an hour.

  • What is a HydraFacial and who is it good for?

    On the other hand, HydraFacial can be used by people with hyper-sensitive skin and is actually recommended for treating rosacea and dry, peeling skin. Best for: Chemical peels are good for patients with wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and other skin concerns who do not have sensitive skin, a darker skin tone, or skin disorders. Those with sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and other disorders should not undergo chemical peels.

    What is a HydraFacial and who is it good for?

  • What is HydraFacial, how it works, and what are the benefits?

    HydraFacial is a 30-minute procedure that the client will leave the office seeing instant results with. The effects of the HydraFacial are long-lasting, it produces clean, smooth, and glowing skin that with frequent treatments can be used to restore and maintain the skin’s health.

    What is HydraFacial, how it works, and what are the benefits?

  • What makes the HydraFacial different?

    The HydraFacial treatment is different because the technology addresses two main causes of skin issuesdeep-set impurities and damaged skin cells, in just one 30-minutein-office procedure. High-grade serum ingredients. Several skin serums are used throughout the procedure.

  • How much do HydraFacials cost?

    As with any cosmetic procedure, costs can widely vary depending on where you live, the experience of the person performing the procedure, and the extent to which you need treatment. As a general rule of thumb, HydraFacials cost anywhere between $150 and $300 per treatment.

  • Where to get a HydraFacial?

    HydraFacials are offered at Chic la Vie Med Spa. For more information about HydraFacial, please contact Chic la Vie at (702) 233-8535.

    Where to get a HydraFacial?

  • Is HydraFacial safe?

    Suitable for most skin types. The HydraFacial procedure is safe for most skin types. HydraFacial can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a treatment program alongside Lasers, Intense Pulsed Lights, Radio Frequency, Microdermabrasion, and LEDs.

  • Is HydraFacial or Dermalinfusion better?

    The HydraFacial® functions more as a one-size-fits-all treatment and is best suited for those in need of a gentle, moisturizing facial. For those searching for a hydrating treatment that can be customized to treat more specific skin conditions or needs, Dermalinfusion® may be the better option.

Intense Pulsed Light

  • What is IPL laser treatment?

    Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a technology used by cosmetic and medical practitioners to perform various skin treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes, including hair removal, photorejuvenation (e.g. the treatment of skin pigmentation, sun damage, and thread veins) as well as to alleviate dermatologic diseases such as acne.

  • What’s the difference between laser and IPL?

    Differences Between IPL and Laser Technology

    IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) IPL emits a broader spectrum of light wavelengths, (polychromatic light) in short pulses, at less intensity than a laser.

Laser Genesis

  • What to expect from Laser Genesis?

    Laser Genesis® gently heats the upper dermis stimulating collagen regrowth. Additional heat is generated in dilated capillaries to reduce redness. You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation.

    What to expect from Laser Genesis?

  • How long does Laser Genesis last?

    The longevity of laser genesis results varies from one person to another with most people experiencing sustained results that last 6-12 months. The results can however be extended in a number of ways.

  • Does Laser Genesis dissolve facial fat?

    Often described as ‘ non-surgical liposuction ‘, this fat dissolving injection treatment has been used for over 20 years in many countries as a fat-dissolving agent to help reduce those annoying exercise and diet-resistant small fatty deposits.

  • How much does Laser Genesis skin therapy cost?

    A: Cost of Laser Genesis for large pores, fine lines, etc. Laser Genesis treats the many undesired signs of aging and sun-damage on the face. Five treatments, spaced out 2 to 4 weeks apart are recommended to achieve optimal results. Prices vary from location but typically range from $150 to $350 per treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

  • Does Laser Hair Removal really work, permanently?

    Yes, it works. The laser hair removal, you can remove multiple hairs at one time. It removes all types of unwanted body hairs. People see a permanent reduction in their hair when they complete a series of treatments only.

  • What does Laser Hair Removal do to your body?

    Laser and light-based technology are effective for hair reduction and the removal of unwanted body hair. During laser hair removal, a laser beam passes through the skin to an individual hair follicle. The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle, resulting in a reduction of the number of hairs and the quality of hair.

    What does Laser Hair Removal do to your body?

  • What is the best Laser Hair Removal technology?

    Laser hair reduction  is an effective and non-invasive treatment solution that is fast and safe.  Most patients can return to work and normal activity immediately.   It is not uncommon for the skin to feel warm and look red after treatment. 

  • What are the best laser hair treatments?

    Chic la Vie Medical Spa in Las Vegas is pleased to offer laser hair removal treatments using the Candela GentleMax Pro™ system.  For laser hair reduction, Candela is considered the “gold standard” regardless of skin type.  Most patients find laser hair reduction with the Candela GentleMax Pro to be quite comfortable, and for hair removal, there is nothing more effective.

Light Therapy

  • What is Light Therapy called?

    Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment in which you’re exposed to an artificial light source. The therapy primarily treats major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns (formerly known as a seasonal affective disorder, or SAD).

  • What does Light Therapy mean?

    Light therapy or phototherapy (classically referred to as heliotherapy) consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using polychromatic polarized light, lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, dichroic lamps, or very bright, full-spectrum light. The light is administered for a prescribed amount of time and, in some cases, at a specific time of day.

  • How LED Light Therapy works?

    Light therapy is meant to combat that by introducing an artificial natural light for some affected with it. During light therapy, a person sits or works near the light therapy box. According to the Chic la Vie Med Spa, the light that the light therapy box produces is supposed to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep.

  • What is LED light therapy and how does it work?

    LED light therapy is a popular noninvasive skin treatment for acne , sun damage , wounds , and other skin problems .People can choose to have LED light therapy at a dermatologist’s office or to use a device at home.


  • What is Microdermabrasion, and can it give you better skin?

    Microdermabrasion is a common aesthetic procedure used to improve the appearance of skin. It is a form of exfoliation that uses a microdermabrasion machine that sprays fine crystal particles across the surface of the skin, removing the top layer, and then vacuums both the crystals and dead skin away.

  • What to do before Microdermabrasion?

    Candidates who have had a recent chemical peel or other skin procedure, such as collagen injections, should wait two to three weeks before undergoing microdermabrasion. Prospective patients should also refrain from waxing or tanning the skin to be treated for a few weeks prior to a microdermabrasion treatment.

  • Should you try Microdermabrasion at home?

    In case you are facing the problems of enlarged pores, then microdermabrasion is the best device for you to try at home. The Microdermabrasion machine pulls the blood flow to the surface of the skin and this increased blood flow helps you to get radiant and glowing skin.

  • Is Microdermabrasion damaging to healthy skin?

    Microdermabrasion and healthy skin No not at all! When Microdermabrasion is done properly and by a well trained, experienced individual, it can be extremely effective for helping acne, acne scarring, pore size, fine lines, and wrinkles.

  • What to expect after Microdermabrasion?

    In most cases, patients can return to normal activities immediately after microdermabrasion. Side effects are usually very mild. Patients may experience slight swelling and redness of the skin, to the same degree as that caused by a mild sunburn.


  • What is Microneedling and does it work?

    Microneedling works by encouraging your skin to make more collagen. The idea is that pinpricks from the procedure cause slight injury to the skin and that the skin responds by making new collagen-rich tissue.

    What is Microneedling and does it work?

  • What are the benefits of Microneedling?

    The major benefits of Micro-needling include: Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines. The loss of elastin and collagen causes thinning, sagging skin, and facial wrinkles. Micro-needling stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen that reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

  • What does Microneedling help with?

    1. Improves the quality and texture of your skin (immediately)
    2. Reduces pockmarks and scarring
    3. Reduces blackheads
    4. Treats acne and cystic acne
    5. Exfoliates the skin
    6. Makes you look younger by reducing fine lines and wrinkles
    7. Reduces hyperpigmentation and evens skin the skin tone
  • What to expect after Microneedling?

    When explaining what to expect after Microneedling, your dermatologist will inform you that by maintaining strict sterile conditions, she ensures that the possibility of side effects is minimized. However, you can expect after-effects like redness and bruise.

  • What is the PRP facial?

    Essentially, the PRP Plasma Facial is a micro needling procedure using the client’s own plasma as an infusion. It firms your skin, helps you look younger, and can treat a variety of skin conditions, such as acne scars and blemishes. The most popular term for the facial is probably the PRP Facial.

  • How is a PRP facial performed?

    Also known as the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP Facial), a vampire facial combines microneedling with an application of Platelet-Rich Plasma. The procedure begins by withdrawing blood from the patient and then using a centrifuge to extract the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The patient then undergoes a microneedling treatment.

  • How to recover from a PRP facial?

    On your part, by taking a few precautions, you can shorten the recovery time from your PRP treatments. Follow your doctor’s recommendations like taking the prescribed pain medications. You can also ice the treated area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time several times a day. You’ll soon see the swelling and redness settling.

PDO Thread lift

  • What do you need to know about PDO thread lift?

    In general, PDO threads can be divided into floating, non-barbed threads, and barbed threads. These can be further sub-classified in several ways:

    PDO Threads



    Mono-filament threads

    Unilateral vs bilateral

    Braided threads

    Uni-directional vs bi-directional vs z-type

    Cutting barbs vs molding barbs

  • Why you should consider a PDO thread lift?

    Why Should I Consider a Thread Lift?

    • A Comprehensive Approach. Thread lift treatments are a great option for patients who aren’t just worried about a wrinkle…
    • Gradual Results. A lot of our patients really like the fact that this treatment offers some immediate tightening right.
    • A Convenient, Non-Surgical Option.
    • Customized outcomes
    • Long-lasting results

    Why you should consider a PDO thread lift?

  • Why should you get a PDO thread lift?

    PDO Thread lifts can benefit practically any part of the face, and improve both skin sagging and texture, The cheeks and lower face, in particular, benefit greatly from the procedure, allowing a lift that is synergistic to other skin lifting treatments such as Ultherapy.

  • What happens during a thread lift?

    First, the treatment area is mapped out on the skin. Here, so-called direction vectors are drawn in, to aid the lifting process. After that, the area to be treated is anesthetized with an anesthetic cream and thoroughly disinfected.

PRP FaceLift

  • What do you need to know about PRP?

    PRP is a procedure used to treat leaking blood vessels in the retina. Certain conditions weaken the blood vessels, causing them to leak. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is the most common condition PRP is used to treat. This condition causes the retina to create new, weak blood vessels that also leak.

  • What is facelift procedure?

    A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck.

  • How does PRP work for hair restoration?

    When PRP therapy is used for hair restoration, it triggers healing on the scalp. The cells are rejuvenated, and they can focus on performing their function of growing hair – which they had stopped doing or were doing poorly. To perform PRP therapy for hair restoration, a hair loss specialist or surgeon will draw some blood from your body.

  • What is PRP hair treatment and how is it done?

    PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

  • What can PRP do For you in medical aesthetics?

    Used for many years in sports medicine to treat conditions such as “tennis elbow”, Achilles tendinopathy, rotator cuff and shoulder injuries, PRP is now being used to treat a number of age-related medical aesthetics concerns including dark circles under the eyesfine linessaggingdecreased firmness and uneven skin tone.


  • What are the dangers of Sculptra?

    Sculptra is a great filler. Sculptra is a great filler. However, the technique of injecting it is very difficult to learn. Make sure you go to someone who has been using it regularly and is comfortable in his/her technique.

    What are the dangers of Sculptra?

  • Should you opt in for Sculptra?

    Sculptra is effective and safe for all skin types and colors, it is considered the best option for people who have an overall good health status. Your dermatologist will provide you a list of cases that should not undergo the Sculptra procedure such as: If you are allergic to Lidocaine If you have skin infections or rashes.

  • What to expect during a Sculptra treatment?

    When Sculptra is first injected, you may notice an immediate plumping effect which gives the appearance of a full correction by the end of the treatment session. The original skin depression may initially reappear, but the depression should gradually improve within several weeks as the treatment effect of Sculptra occurs.

  • Who should perform Sculptra?

    Sculptra is a very advanced treatment only an MD should perform. It should also only be performed by an MD with lots of experience with the product.

  • Can prednisone affect Sculptra?

    Low dose Prednisone would not have had a lasting effect on Sculptra. Fluid retention is a well-known side effect of Prednisone. What may have happened is that fluid might have settled into the area where the Sculptra was injected. As the fluid resorbed, the appearance may have looked as your cheeks were deflating.

  • How is Sculptra different than other fillers?

    How is Sculptra different than other dermal fillers? Sculptra provides more subtle and long-lasting results than many other fillers. It works on the deeper layers of your skin, in contrast to other fillers that simply fill in wrinkles without addressing the underlying cause.

    How is Sculptra different than other fillers?

  • How long after filler can you use Sculptra?

    There is no contraindication of having Sculptra after instant filler such as perlane or Restylane. In many cases, instant filler can be layered with Sculptra for more projection of the cheeks. Keep in mind instant fillers generally last 6 to 12 months.

  • When should a person start to use Sculptra?

    As stated above, Sculptra is used to create fullness under the skin. It can be used in extreme cases of facial depression to less extreme cases where a person simply wants to fill in wrinkles. Either way, there is a list of things that the liquid injection can help with.


  • What is Ultherapy and how does it work?

    Ultherapy is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift. It’s used to counteract signs of aging like skin sagging and wrinkles on the face, neck, and chest as well as drooping of the brow area. The FDA-cleared technology stimulates collagen production, which should create a more youthful look overall.

  • How many Ultherapy treatments do I Need?

    Depending on your skin laxity, it may only take one Ultherapy treatment for ideal results; other patients may require a series of 3 treatments. As your skin endures the natural aging process, it is recommended to repeat this treatment every 12 months to maintain results.

  • Should You Be Afraid of Ultherapy?

    Ultherapy – a noninvasive skin tightening procedure that uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen production – has generated quite a buzz over the past few years. But some users are reporting alarming side effects. We asked the experts about these rumors.

  • What to expect from your Ultherapy treatment?

    What to expect after Ultherapy. There is usually no downtime associated with Ultherapy. Regular activities such as work, exercise, or socializing can be resumed immediately after treatment. You can start noticing the first results of Ultherapy within a few days, depending on your body’s ability to produce new collagen.

Venus Freeze

  • Does Venus Freeze work?

    Venus Freeze is an anti-aging, anti-cellulite treatment that is supposed to tighten skin, reduce the look of wrinkles, and fight stubborn cellulite. Its manufacturers claim that it will give your skin a refreshed look and make it youthful once again.

    Does Venus Freeze work?

  • What is Venus Freeze Plus?

    Venus Freeze Plus™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides, and licensed by Health Canada for the non-invasive treatment of cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and temporary reduction in the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Is Venus Freeze safe?

    Yes. Venus Freeze uses radiofrequency technology, which is proven to be safe for all skin tones, including darker complexions.

    Can I do it during my lunch break?
    Absolutely. While exact treatment times can vary depending on each individual patient, a typical session usually only takes 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Is Venus Freeze good for the skin?

    Venus Freeze is best for stimulating collagen and promoting skin tightening. Because many people experience skin laxity after losing fat, it is possible to use the combination of both technologies to offer a non-surgical way to get the body shape you want.

    Is Venus Freeze good for the skin?