Injectable Procedures

Both Botox® and Dysport® work by binding to receptors on muscles and temporarily paralyzing them. Wrinkles are to a large degree caused by the contraction of muscles. As we age the elasticity of the skin is lost and wrinkles appear more prominent due to the muscle contraction. By relaxing the muscles, the skin flattens or smooth out and the wrinkles greatly improve or in some cases disappear altogether.

Med Spa Injectables Procedures Las Vegas

Different Injectables Procedures in Las Vegas


Injectable Procedures

Your skin is an important part of your overall appearance and when it looks old and aged it can impact your outer look and inner self-confidence. We offer a wide variety of skin care treatments, procedures and products, all designed to help you achieve that younger, more fresh appearance.  


RADIESSE® is an injectable filler made of a naturally occurring substance in the body called calcium hydroxyapatite. Radiesse restores a more youthful appearance to the face and hands (particularly good at this).


RESTYLANE® The hyaluronic acid in RESTYLANE® is almost identical to that found naturally in the body. RESTYLANE® is indicated for mid-to-deep dermal implantation for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.


SCULPTRA® Aesthetic is an FDA-approved collagen stimulator/injectable designed to gradually and subtly stimulate your skin’s own natural collagen production to help restore its inner structure and increase facial volume that has been lost to aging.

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